
After a week in the ICU the hospital decided to move me onto the Trauma floor.


( this was in the ICU before they moved me)

Before doing that though they decided to see if they could get me into an upright position since I had been flat on my back this whole time. So they had this table that they strapped me onto and then it slowly raised me into a standing position. They were hoping that by doing this my intestines and all my internal organs that had been damaged would fall back into place a start working properly. That was one of the most painful things I have experienced. The funny thing, was because of the drugs, I wasn’t really aware of what they were doing, and my memories of this are a little different then what actually happened. In my mind I thought they were strapping me to this giant round wooden board, like the ones you see on TV where they tie someone to it and shoot arrows at them. I thought they had tied me to something like this and then all of a sudden they begin spinning me. It was awful, but I realize now that no actual spinning was going on, it was just my extreme dizziness and the fact that it was the first time I had been upright. After I made it through that ordeal then I was finally moved into a new room and began my stay on the Trauma floor. Image

( this ones a little fuzzy, but this was them moving me onto the trauma floor)

Before my accident I used to watch movies and occasionally you would see someone hallucinating because of drugs or something and I would always wonder at how it was portrayed. Sometimes they could have face to face conversations with people that weren’t real, sometimes they saw the weirdest most random things and I never believed it. I always though that maybe it was dramatized for television, because how could you really see something that clear and real? I just didn’t fall for it. Since then I have learned better.

The Sunday they were going to move me then I had some family come and see me. They came in and came over to my bed, and we began talking. I had finally been able to have my breathing tube removed so now I could actually talk. They were standing to the right side of my bed and as I was visiting them I became aware of voices that sounded to my left and in another room. There were sliding glass doors to my left that led out onto a patio and one of them had been left open and sunlight was streaming through. My brother and my dad were sitting out there at a picnic table laughing and talking. I remember wishing I could go out there and join them. I said something to the people I was visiting with about going out onto the patio and seeing what all the fun was about. They just stared at me blankly and politely smiled. I thought their reaction a little weird but didn’t think much of it at the time. Well further into my hospital stay when I had been moved somewhere else then I came back down to the ICU to see my room. When we walked in I looked at everything and the first thing I said was, “Where’s the patio?” I looked around the room and there was not even a hint of a patio. No sliding doors, no picnic table, nothing. It was so strange because I had felt the sunlight, actually felt its warmth on my skin, and saw it shining through the window. I had listened to the conversation and laughter and it had all been so real. To think that it had all been in my head was very shocking. It made me wonder how many other of my memories were just something my mind had created.

Another time I lay in bed and my nurse came in and gave me my hourly dose of pain meds. After she left then I realized I was actually sitting up in a chair by the door. As I sat there then all of a sudden millions of  tiny hands and fingers began crawling all over my body. Up and down, all over my face, in my hair everywhere. Millions of them. It was the weirdest sensation and I remember wishing it would go away and saying something to my mother who was in the room with me but she never acknowledged that I was speaking to her so I think maybe it was only in my mind that I had talked to her, and of course i wasn’t actually sitting in a chair, but still in my bed.

Another time then my sister was in the room with me and she was talking to me and I said to her, “Where’s Rhoda?” and she said, “Rhoda who?” And I answered, “Our sister Rhoda, why hasn’t’ she come to see me?” She just looked at me quite blankly.

I don’t have a sister named Rhoda. Never have. And I actually realized that a little bit after saying it, I couldn’t make sense in my mind why I had thought that or even said it but somehow I knew it wasn’t quite right. That feeling of not being in control of your own mind is very disconcerting. I have never felt anything like it, and hope to never again.

Another time then the same sister came into my room and she was asking me about my room transfer and congratulating me for getting my breathing tube and some other things out. I said, “Yeah I got them out, that’s why they let me go home.” She just looked at me and raised her eyebrows. I thought about what I said for a moment, I looked around me at the machines in my room and at my hospital bed, and then it clicked and I said slowly, “Except i’m not exactly home.” And of course everyone laughed and got a kick out of it. I even laughed. It is funny when you think about it. The only thing that’s not really funny is my genuine confusion. I hated not being able get my facts straight.

I have always been a more shy and introverted person. I don’t say what I think a lot of times and i’m not much of a conversationalist when put on the spot, especially by strangers. I was completely different in the hospital. I don’t know if it was the drugs or the bump to my head. But either way I became very talkative. Sometimes even saying things that were probably not that appropriate. If it came into my head I said it. I remember sometimes when people would come to visit then I would carefully and purposefully keep my mouth shut and not say anything because I was afraid of saying something that I shouldn’t. I didn’t know what was proper to say and what wasn’t. My mother was always gasping in shock at my comments and I would say, “Is that not something I should say?” and she would shake her head. At least I made for some pretty good entertainment. Especially for family that wasn’t used to me saying much at all.

That’s one of the things I greatly appreciated though. I felt free to say whatever I wanted. It was like my whole life I never talked and all of a sudden I could. All of a sudden I wanted to. Like I had this continuous flow of words and I just wanted to talk and talk and get them all out. Thankfully that didn’t change much after getting out of the hospital. Yes, I know what is appropriate and socially acceptable to say now, but I still talk more then I ever did. I still have my shy moments, I still lean more to the introverted side, but I feel more free to talk and express myself better then I ever did, and everyday I try to do it more and more.

One comment on “Hallucinations

  1. Auntysocial says:

    I’ve long had an interest in the way people behave and the experiences they have as result of trauma, being heavily medicated and / or during the last few hours and minutes of life.

    How fascinating.

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